The GNS interclub series of Lac Saint-Louis is a shared effort of Beaconsfield, Pointe Claire and the Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Clubs. Its purpose is the promotion of mid-week, evening races for all types of boats primarily using PHRF handicapping.

The spring and summer series are followed by the Sailors’ Suppers at the club which is a “can’t miss” part of the evening where competitors debrief over a delicious meal and an assortment of refreshments. This post race gathering on the patio and/or in the dining room is an opportunity to compare notes, discuss tactics and maneuvers (the ones that worked and those that went wrong!), make new friends and recruit new crew. 

The GNS interclub series of Lac Saint-Louis are organized through different series.

You will find notices of race, sailing instructions or other documents for these series on


This series consists of a few practice races to allow sailors to get used to the new season and brush up on their skills. This series also serves as a practice for race committees to ensure they remember sequences, starts, etc.

GNS interclub series of Lake St-Louis

Two Spring series & Two summer series

  • Tuesday evenings with the race committee of the Pointe-Claire Yacht Club
  • Thursday evenings with the Race Committee of the Beaconsfield Yacht Club

September Series

Sundays with the race committees of the Pointe-Claire and Beaconsfield Yacht Clubs

October Series

Commonly known as Frostbite Series.
Sundays with the Royal St-Laurent Yacht Club Race Committee


The GNS SAILWEEK Series, brings together races that are part of separate regattas.

  • Pointe-Claire Annual Regatta
  • 2 races from GNS interclub summer series
  • 1 midweek race belonging only to SAILWEEK
  • Beaconsfield Annual Regatta